Welcome to LCCH Taunton
Welcome to the LCCH Taunton blog.
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Virtual Gastric Band Thearapy Master Class in Exeter
Despite the rain, a fantastic day was spent in Exeter on Saturday the 20th August.
Michelle Hague and Lorraine Rowlands, presented their Gastric Band Utilisation Therapy protocol, to a packed room, nearly matching their presentation in London early this year.
Virtual Gastric Band Therapy is a growing request from clients up and down the country, with the media scheduling it into the mid morning viewing on TV and again in evening specialist programmes on the likes of channel 4, the public know all about it.
With the wider understanding of what it is, and how it works, clinical hypnotherapists are giving another chance to many who have been told that Gastric band surgery is only available to a few who have the qualifying BMI or it may even be suggested to them (horror of horrors) that they may need to put on even more weight.
While the protocol is not for everyone, this unique approach combines NLP, Coaching, CBT, CBH, and Clinical Hypnotherapy.
Feed back has been good so far, and everyone seemed to have had a good day.
The begining of our next term for Exeter LCCH is due to start next month, and we look forward to our class room being full in Septemebr for the start of the CPPD course no. 1942.
Book now to ensure you place.
Monday, 8 August 2011
Summer news and events from Exeter
We have enjoyed being out and about this year, doing talks and workshops at Embercombe and at Quest, in addition, more formal talks have also been going on, in local hospitals and to dental practices.
At Quest in Newton Abbott, a four day event, we met on the LCCH stand, a number of potential new students, who were very interested to learn about the many and varied uses of clinical hypnosis and many of whom latter attended the workshops and talks.
The sun is shining as I type this blog, and although there has been some rain in the past few days (which the gardens needed ) it looks as though the weather is promising to be good for a little while longer, so we should all be able to enjoy the summer break while it lasts.
The lazy hot days of summer, all too quickly decline, and the autumn is never too far away, bringing with it the new term, and for Exeter that means the start of a new CPPD in Clinical Hypnotherapy and the possibility of a PG Dip in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy.
We look forward to all new students enroling, and to meeting them in the autumn.
Support and Clinical Supervision.
Practicing Clinical Hypnotherapy now has a new support and supervision group, Taunton will now be hosting a regular meeting for practitioners to attend, Cary Charles has kindly taken on the role of organising the support group which in the past met in Exeter, with a view to making it accessable to other areas.
Deatails of the support /supervision meetings will be in Augusts LCCH News letter.
Monday, 11 April 2011
Spring students return for their second CPPD weekend in Exeter
Next weekend the Exeter CPPD students return to college, for their second weekend of studies, by now all of them will be starting to understand the theories and phenomena and the scripts that they will have to learn.
As they start to develop their techniques and skills they will be able to discover why this is such an interesting field of study.
We are looking forward to another positive and exciting weekend, in our beautiful city, in front of this most magnificent cathedral, with this very warm spring, we may be able to make the most of the newly refurbished cathedral grounds and garden, which are due to reopen again very soon.
Master Class draws one Exeter student up to London
A Master Class in Virtual Gastric Band Surgery
Exeter's Regional coordinator, Michelle Hague and her colleague Lorraine Rowlands, have spent the last weekend in London delivering their first Masterclass to over 48 colleagues and practitioners of clinical hypnotherapy.
The day was spent in London's Birkbeck College as part of the London College of Clinical Hypnosis Masterclasses, delivered around the country which also include advanced techniques and dental work a collaborative approach. Next stop for Lorraine and Michelle will be Birmingham, and then on up to Glasgow.
"We were delighted to find one of our colleges had travelled up from Exeter too, but even more impressed by finding out that we had a visiting practitioner all the way the from Ireland. We are now looking forward to the other two presentations, and hope they go equally well."
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Birthing with hypnosis - Jan Barton
Birthing With Hypnosis - an Empowering Experience!
Becoming pregnant for most mums-to-be is exciting and something to look forward to, but for some, actually giving birth brings feelings of great apprehension and fear. Well meaning friends and family often add to this fear by relaying stories of their own negative experiences leaving the expectant mother wondering if this could happen to her.
Addressing fears about the birth process through active education and preparation allows a mother to feel in control of what is happening to her body. Of course every woman is seeking to have the most gentle and easy birth possible, but this means active participation in the whole process of preparing the body and mind. Would you set about running a marathon without any previous practise or training or even warming up your body! Like any athlete the body needs to be warmed up and trained to build up strength and stamina. Giving birth too requires an understanding of your own body, how it works and preparation both mentally, physically and emotionally.
Learning to utilise the techniques presented at this workshop will start you on the road to achieving the most stress free and joyful birth, feeling in control and working naturally with your body.
By learning how to eliminate the fear – tension – pain syndrome using a combination of deep relaxation and self-hypnosis and breathing techniques mums-to-be can increase their feelings of control, release fear and work naturally with their birthing body.
Utilising these techniques offers many benefits such as:
- Shortening labour
- Reducing fatigue during labour
- Reduces the need for pain medication and consequent reduction of undesirable effects associated with them to mother and baby
- Reduces the incidence of instrumental/surgical delivery (i.e forceps, ventouse or caesarean sections
- Enhancing baby's well being
- Reducing the risk of postal natal depression
- Promoting speedier recovery after delivery
The following story from one of my patients which demonstrates how effective these techniques can be, even at a late stage in pregnancy:
“I met Jan when I was pregnant with my fourth child. All three of my previous births had had some kind of complication so I was feeling very anxious about my fourth birth. I had epidurals with all three births. The first was an emergency c-section, the second was a ventouse delivery and with the third I had a retained placenta. I was really frightened about what was going to happen to me this time. I have a history of big babies and after several scans, they confirmed that this baby was also big.
I was becoming more and more panicked as time went on. My midwife was doing stretch and sweeps every two days from 38 weeks to try to get the baby to come early because of his large size. I was starting to try to avoid these appointments because I was too frightened to go into labour.
Eventually, I decided to try hypnotherapy to try and calm myself down. I went online and found Jan who rearranged her diary to fit me in as soon as possible. We talked for a long time about my previous experiences, fears and anxieties. She taught me some breathing exercises and hypnotised me. She also taught me how to visualise what I wanted to happen which was very effective. She completely got rid of my fears and worries and after my appointment I found that I felt much calmer.
My fourth birth was a piece of cake. This is all down to Jan. The breathing techniques she taught me were so effective that I didn't need any pain relief at all. I had a few puffs of gas and air but found that I didn't need it so I put it down. All of the midwives said I was completely focused and in control at all times. My husband said he had never seen me like that before. It was different in every way to the other three births. I controlled the pain instead of letting it control me. I had a fear of going into hospital. Jan also dealt with that and I went there with no problem at all. It didn't affect me.
My baby weighed 10 lb 3. There is no doubt that if I had not seen Jan, I would have ended up having another epidural and disappointing experience. Instead, I had a 5 hour birth with no complications and was allowed home within 3 hours of giving birth.
To all those who are going to see Jan, good decision. I will always remember her and be so grateful for what she did for me and my family. I finally had the birth I wanted. To those who are considering it, pick up the phone. It is the best money you will ever spend.
Jan’s Comments
When Sam rang me she was 10 days from her due date! She sounded so frightened and panicky that I felt I had to try and do something to help her. I was amazed that she had already had 3 children and wondered what I would be able to do in such a short time, thinking that she must know more than I did about child birth. Because of very negative experiences she had become conditioned to expect the worst and her fear had grown as her pregnancy progressed. She was to attend hospital 3 days after our appointment for a possible induction as they were worried about the baby’s size. She really did not want to be induced and so longed to have a baby naturally. She had not been taught how to breathe during any of her previous pregnancies so this was a good place to start. I dealt with her fears and negative conditioning and put everything into the session I could possibly pack in, as there was not going to be another opportunity for any more sessions. I thought about her all week, wondering if she had had to be induced. The following week there was an elated Sam on the telephone, so excited to tell me that she had a beautiful baby boy, born naturally and easily and giving her the memory of a wonderful calm birthing experience. She told me that she had decided against the inducement, after discussing the options with her doctor / midwife and preferring to wait for the baby to come naturally, even though it might be a big baby again. The joy and excitement she displayed made my day and makes my job so rewarding.
Jan Barton
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Spring - the start of a new season of courses in Exeter
Our new Certificate is due to start later this month. New students are still welcome to apply right up to the start date, we have a few spaces left dtails of course dates are given on the website http://www.lcch.co.uk/
Keep your eyes open, information will be here on the blog and via the website, there is lots going on this year.
Master classes are back up and running this year, as the LCCH's lecturers take to the road to visit the regions with their expertise http://lcch.co.uk/masclass.htm.
Later this year we will have a displays, talk and workshop at "Quest" the West Countries largest Natural Health Show, down in Newton Abbot, its a 4 day event and well worth a visit.
Our good wishes are sent to all our 2010 PG Cert' students who are now waiting for their final results, and our good wishes for all their future plans, we hope to see you all again at some point in the future on the PG Diploma.
A quote to share
'There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.'
Aldous Huxley
Thursday, 6 January 2011
Exeter wishes our students past presant & future all the very best for 2011
Happy New Year!
Have you given any thought to New Year Resolutions?
For many this is the the time of year for change, out with the old and in with the new. Spring is round the corner, and it is a time of looking forward.
Time to think about new career developments, new studies or personal development.
To find out more follow the links to the website.
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